Tuesday, January 22, 2008



It’s All About You Jesus, Introduction



What makes Christianity more than a religion?

Today we want to look at two aspects of what Jesus did.
I John 1:9 …by grace are you saved through faith…
Hebrews 10:14 …those who are being made holy…

Too often we accept the grace, but fail to accept the power.
Ephesians 3:20 …according to his power at work in you…
Phil 2:13 God works in you

Remember what happened after the resurrection—Jesus instructed the disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit, who would do what?

So, there are two parts to your being saved—the salvation, and the life that follows

**Did you trust him to die for you?
**Will you trust him to live in you?

Three keys to abiding in Christ

1. Absolutely give up.
Be totally dependent on Jesus
II Cor 5:17 you are a new creation
John 5:19 Jesus could do nothing without the Father
Am I better than Jesus? No—I can do nothing without Jesus. I will take no step except in recognition that I can to nothing apart from Christ.
John 15:5 …without me, you can do nothing…

How much could the Father do through the Son?
How much can the Son do through you?

He is limited only by the measure of our availability.

Colossians 2:9-10 in Him dwells all the fullness of the godhead bodily...

2. Relate everything as it happens to the power of Jesus working in you.

I Thess 5:16 rejoice evermore
17 pray without ceasing
18 in everything give thanks

Let’s paraphrase these verses in our own words: (discussion)
Rejoice evermore—(be incorrigibly cheerful)
Pray without ceasing—(expose every situation to the all-sufficiency of Jesus)
In everything give thanks—

**Is there anything in your life happening right now that you are not willing to give to Jesus? If so, you are saying that He has nothing to give you for that situation.

3. Allow the H.S. to occupy your entire personality with the adequacy of Jesus
Ephesians 5:19-20

Expose every temptation, every trial to the divine H.S.

Remember the two parts of our being saved—
To be in Christ=salvation=fit for heaven
To have Christ=fit for earth!!

We are called to walk by faith; to walk in the Spirit.
We are more than conquerors.

Isaiah 58:8-end A promise to those who walk in faith.
A promise to you!!
God can turn your life around!!

It’s All About You, Jesus (Fawn Parish)
(Lesson One)

Who is Jesus?
Hebrews 1; Colossians 1 (discussion of the Trinity & the role of Jesus)

There is a tendency for our eyes to wander off Jesus and on to the need. Can you name some organizations that have gone down that path?

What is the difference between Christians gathering and Jesus being the subject vs. the assumed subject?

Is Jesus the end or the means?
Example: Should we seek revival, or should we seek Jesus?

Jesus is not a means to an end, but Jesus is the end. Revival is Jesus. Signs and wonders are the result.

How can we as a church avoid seeking the means?

God’s intention is for Jesus to be all-in-all.
I. Cor. 15:25 He must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.

Jesus, the heart of my devotional life.
(lesson two)

Let’s look at some ways on how not to approach devotions, and then discuss how to do it correctly.

How not to—
1. a school assignment

2. like an accountant

3. a refrigerator

4. our focus becomes something other than Jesus

5. our thirst becomes the focus

6. seeking a spiritual experience becomes the focus

How to do it correctly:

(list ideas from the class)

remember Jesus is a person, not a principle
keep a journal
turn scripture into prayer
worship & praise

Jesus, the heart of my worship
(lesson three)

Three big dangers to our worship:

1. Pride
Thinking you have the key to worship causes a spirit of pride, leading to the next two:

2. Gnosticism
This was a problem in the early church.
It means having a contempt for material things and a lust for the secretive.

3. Religious Spirit
Any time we embrace anything other than Jesus, the focus becomes inward.
With God, the Holy Spirit points us outward to Jesus

Pride divides; love includes.

Discussion: What is true worship?
(It centers on Jesus.)

Exodus 34:6-7 Moses asked to see God’s glory. How is it defined? (Hebrews 1 “exact representation”)

True worship is to bring who I really am to who God really is.
Worship is an act of the will. It is a natural result when we understand who God is.

Jesus, the heart of my thought life.
(lesson 4)

II. Cor. 10:5 “take captive every thought” (read)
(discuss the power of a creative mind)

II Samuel 11:1-5 Discuss—

What did David do wrong?
Where did it start?
Is Satan mentioned in the story? Was he involved?

List some keys to taking captive your thoughts--

Phil 4:8 “whatever things are true…”
Feast on what is good.
Be a gatekeeper of your heart (3 monkeys)
Ps. 139:23-24 David’s prayer
Other scriptures?

I.Cor. 2:16 (read)
What is the mind of Christ? (list)

Jesus, the Heart of my Salvation
(lesson five) (think back to your initial salvation experience)
Every experience is different. What was yours? Were you in church?
(page 68, Parish)

Fawn Parish says that the net growth of Christianity in the U.S. for the past 10 years is zero.

What are we doing wrong?
--we have lost our passion for the lost

Jesus had many turn away and never follow him again.
Read John 6:53-69
Why did they walk away?
Why do new Christians walk away after six months, or two years, or five years?

**Jesus is never in a hurry.**
If Jesus is never in a hurry, then what draws people to Him?

Be care of formula prayers for salvation. (describe) It’s possible to pray with someone to receive Jesus as savior and they have not been drawn by the Holy Spirit. Consequently, there is no repentance.
When would we be tempted to do this with a new Christian? (p 73, Parish)

Beware of a message about the benefits instead of a message about Jesus. Can you describe the difference?

What would Jesus say today if he gave an alter call?
(p. 77, Parish)

**Salvation is a person. (“I am the way, the truth, and the life”) (discuss)

Conclusion: read p. 85 Parish

Jesus, the Heart of my Relationships
(lesson six)

God made us to experience relationships.

“No man is an island.”
Jesus had 12 disciples.
The military uses small teams.
Jesus sent out the 70 by twos.
Prisons use solitary confinement as punishment.

People will do just about anything to not be alone.

Why did God create us like this?

We are created to have fellowship with God—Father, Son, H.S.
Have you ever met someone on a plane or bus who was a Christian? Were you strangers long? Why not?

“Friendship Evangelism” is a popular phrase. What does it mean?

1. love people for who they are
2. see them as Jesus sees them
3. become a true friend
4. actually enjoy their company
5. other?

How do you love the unlovely?
How do you enjoy talking to someone who has a different value system?

We need to love people for who they are—not what they believe.

**Do not become their friend with an “agenda”**

How will Jesus in my heart affect my relationships?

Finish this sentence:
Jesus in my heart will…

**Jesus in my heart will give me a love for people.**
(Am I critical or compassionate?)

**Jesus in my heart will make me an encourager.**

…make me a listener

…help me appreciate diverse interests

…keep me from being intimidated by the opinions expressed by others

…cause me to have an open heart to those around me

Read Parish, page 103

Jesus, the Heart of my Story to Other Cultures
(lesson seven)

Tell me some cultural differences we have with England.

(discuss Bruchko)

We are still considered by most 3rd world nations to be a “Christian” nation.

What is the difference between Christianity and Jesus?
--Christianity had a beginning

How do you think missionaries should live in other cultures—as they are accustomed; or like those around them? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

How do we introduce them to Jesus without asking them to accept our culture?

**Can we trust God when other cultures express their faith in ways that are unfamiliar to us?**

Is our fear of the unfamiliar greater than our love for Jesus?

Jesus, the Heart of my Story to a New Generation #8

Last week we talked about cultural differences.

This week we will talk about sub-cultural differences.
Is there a sub-culture in our country that you have to work at accepting?

Can someone with multiple piercing be a Christian?
How about dreadlocks?

What is your comfort zone?

How do we cross the divide?

Suggestions for bridging the gap….(overhead)

(Joshua and Caleb had the ultimate generation gap)

--seeking the compassion of Jesus
--acquiring knowledge about them
--becoming acquainted with them
--starting a church ministry for that subculture
--developing a “sister” relationship with
a church in North Portland

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