Sunday, January 20, 2008



John 15: 1-17 Abiding in Christ

This section of scripture begins with John 13 and goes through John 17. It was the night before the crucifixion. Imagine if you knew you had one day left; what kind of information would you leave with your children? Jesus was feeling that same intensity as he talked to his disciples in these five chapters.

This section of John 15 deals with the subject of abiding in Christ. It was an analogy the disciples could understand. They knew grapes, and fruit trees.

Be thinking: How does this apply to me?

(draw picture of tree, branches, gardener)

Do you see any words that Jesus repeats over and over?
I counted “remain” 11 times, and “love” 8 times.
A good teacher repeats themselves a lot, and they keep it simple.

Tell me about pruning.
Its purpose:

(v 2 & 6) Isn’t cutting off unfruitful branches rather harsh?

(v 4 & 5) What is the key to producing fruit?

(v 7, 8, & 16) What do these verses tell us about asking?
Are there any conditions?
(Ps 37:4)
(James 4:3) Practical examples of things to not
ask for?

(v 11) Joy is the result

(v16) What part do we play in becoming a Christian? Are we puppets on a string?

Why does Jesus link “abiding” and “love” so closely?

John 16:33 What is there about remaining in Christ that produces peace?

Matthew 25: 1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins

Here is a parable about five who were abiding, and five who let down their guard.
Read: What is the point of this story?

What is the symbolism: who is the bridegroom?
Who are the virgins?
What is the oil?
What are the lamps?
What is the banquet?

Practical application:
Does anything in my life need to be pruned?
Can you share with the class a time in your life where you were pruned by God?

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