Tuesday, January 15, 2008





1. Beginnings

2. God and Physics

3. Evolution vs. Creation

4. Morality

5. Injustice

6. Pacifism and Christianity

7. Jesus the Man-God

8. Fear and Religion

9. Suffering

10. Predeterminism

11. Reason vs. God’s Existence

12. Miracles

13. Sources of Malevolence

14. Superstition

Introduction to Apologetics

List some common arguments:
1. “Are you saying you’re better than I am?”
2. “I’m not a Christian, yet I have a good job, happy marriage, obedient children.”
3. “We had revival, but 6 months later everyone went back to their old ways.”
4. other….

It is important to remember there are no stupid questions.

I Peter 3:15-16

Discuss the important exhortations in these verses:
1. be prepared
2. be polite
3. your reputation will defend you

II Timothy 2:15

We have a responsibility to prepare ourselves.

Let’s establish a basis for our own theology:

Biblical Theist: One who believes in the existence and primacy of one God who is three persons, transcending and yet immanent in the universe who has revealed himself in the Bible.

Primacy: first
God has always existed
No one existed before God
He was not created by anyone

Transcending: Beyond
God exists beyond all creation and separate from
He is “out there”
If the universe ceases to exist, God’s existence
would continue.

Immanent: God is here.
He is all around us now.

All mankind began as Biblical Theists. Romans One describes the slippery slope into depravity. They dreamed up alternative theology and ideas about God. Their thinking became futile.

Alternative belief systems to Christianity:

Atheism: Psalms 14:1 The fool has said in his heart “there is no God”

Darwin’s theory of organic evolution was the first real viable alternative to Biblical creation. (What does organic evolution teach?)

Biblical Creation stands in total contrast: God purposefully and willfully created the earth, man, and animals, etc.

Agnosticism: A “who cares” attitude.
“It doesn’t make any difference anyway”
“You can’t prove or disprove the existence of God”
Psalms 8:3-4 describes the attitude of the agnostic

Deism: God is transcendent but not immanent
He is an impersonal non-caring God
He watches from above with disinterest.

Pantheism: God is immanent but not transcendent.
If the universe blew up, God would die.
God is inseparable from matter
“I don’t need to attend church, I feel God when I go
They worship the creation instead of the creator.

Existentialism: “I exist”
Any meaning I create for myself is temporary
It’s like a man in a rowboat in the ocean.
“It doesn’t matter which way I row”
“Any direction is as good as the other”

The result of existentialism carried to its logical conclusion is depression and suicide. Ernest Hemmingway and Jack London were existentialists.

People who are intelligent without God usually follow this route, not necessarily to suicide, but usually to depression. They desperately seek a purpose in life, and they find it in humanism.

Humanism: The betterment of the human race.
Glorify man and enjoy him forever.
This can be confusing to a casual observer,
Because many goals of the humanist merge with
Those of Christian ministry. (soup kitchens, etc)

A true humanist is usually an atheist, but they call themselves a humanist. They could just as easily be an agnostic, pantheist, or deist.

Three types of humanism:

1. Hedonistic: Live for today, party all night. (Luke 12:19)
2. Idealistic (secular)
This is what the existentialist will turn to.
“Let’s have a better world”
The end is more important than the means.
(justification of abortion and euthanasia.)
“Every child a wanted child”

3. Christian humanism
This is a person who combines Christianity and humanism.
A Christian says “How will this glorify God?”
A humanist says “How will this glorify man?”

A Christian humanist says ….

I’ll become a Christian, but what’s in it for me?
(Phil 3:18 …their god is their belly…)
(Matt 7:15 …many will say Lord, Lord….)

John 1:12 says …to all who received him…(not his benefits)

Luke 15: the prodigal son.
How would his response been different if he had been a humanist?

(A true Christian looks at the Father)

Practical application:
1. Don’t glorify the benefits, but the person of Jesus. He is worthy. (prosperity gospel looks at benefits)
2. When witnessing, lift up Jesus. Don’t appeal to their selfish nature. (you get back your marriage, a good job, etc.

It is important to remember that every belief system is a closed system. By that, I mean that if you are an atheist, then everything you experience is seen through atheistic eyes. It justifies your belief system.

Only an outside independent observer can look into a closed belief system and see the flaws. A person in a closed system remains there until they can “see” outside the circle.

What broke into your thinking that caused you to look outside the circle and become a Christian? (share personal testimonies)
An atheist would say the same about us—we need to look outside the circle and join them as atheists.

The important thing to remember is that it is futile to debate. The only effective witnessing occurs on the “heart” level. –personal testimony for example.

The Bible says we are a fragrance of life to the believer and a fragrance of death to the unbeliever. If God’s Spirit is drawing someone and your fragrance is noticed, then they will truly listen and will not try to defend their belief system.

This points out the importance of prayer. Prayer brings circumstances into a nonbeliever's life which causes them to consider Christ.

Apologetics #1 First Cause

If God made me, then who made God?

“First Cause” argument

What is the assumption behind the “first cause” argument?
(everything has a beginning)

The person who asks this question has a naturalistic interpretation of life. Naturalistic means follow natural physical laws; therefore all things have a beginning, even God. The assumption is that God is composed of atoms like we are. Since all things have a beginning and an end, there is no such thing as God. To an atheist, a spiritual world does not exist.

What do we know about the composition of God? (John 4:24)

Can you see any flaws in this logic?

Carl Sagan is an atheist. He claims it is just as easy to believe the universe has always existed as to believe in God. He chooses to believe the universe has always been around.

The interesting thing about this view is that it requires faith. We have faith that God has always existed. The atheist has faith that universe had no creator. As an atheist, you must have this faith. The alternative is to acknowledge that a higher force had a hand in creation.

This is the logic problem:

(1) God does not exist because he would have to have had a beginning.
(2) Therefore, the physical universe has always existed.
Dilemma: Is it easier to believe that God has always existed, or that the universe has always existed? Who is more logical, the Christian or the atheist?

It is interesting that the recent “string theory” put forth by Steven Hawking says that the universe simply sprang into existence. We know that God simply spoke the universe into existence.

Unfortunately, it is not logic that makes Christians.

Too often our belief system is a result of the need to justify our immoral lifestyle. (examples?)

We appease our conscience.

If Biblical morals applied to my lifestyle my conscience would condemn me. Therefore I must align myself with a belief system that allows me to live like I choose to live.

Apologetics #2
God and Physics
Basic laws in physics do not need deity to explain their existence, because that deity would have to be subject to those same laws.

Do you see any flaw in this argument?

This argument does not accept the Biblical concept of God. Of course, if he were not God, he would have to be subject to natural physical laws.

What do we know about God that makes him immune to the laws of physics?

John 4:24 God is spirit
Hebrews 1:3 Jesus is the creator of the universe and therefore all its physical laws

God, being the creator, is greater than the universe he created.

What kind of God does an atheist envisage?
subject to physical laws, and: a. therefore a physical being
b. not able to know the future
c. other?

An atheist will say that the laws of physics prove that God does not exist; a Christian will say that those same laws point to God’s existence.

The same evidence leads to opposite conclusions.

Is there an answer for this dilemma?

Example: a famous magician does a trick, and you are the assistant. You know how the trick was accomplished, but an outside observer develops an elaborate theory (evolution).

Here we are, billions of people, all coming to different conclusions about our being here and what our purpose is.

Today, an atheist would say that if God exists, he would logically reveal himself to the world. He would do miracles on TV with independent judges to verify the authenticity.

It is interesting that in Bible prophecy, such a person will appear. The Antichrist. He will do a great miracle (heal the beast) and the whole world will accept him as their new leader.

What will change the heart of an unbeliever?

--Only a direct personal experience with the Living God. The Bible says that before you can become a Christian, you must be drawn by the Holy Spirit. You cannot become a Christian on intellect alone.

What should this tell us if someone asks you a question about your faith?
Ans. It is important to determine the basis of their questioning—either a true interest; or to play intellectual games.

Apologetics #3
Creation vs. evolution

Creation: God did it
Evolution: Chance caused it

There is not a more definitive distinction in our western civilization between believers and nonbelievers.

Someday we will look back and see that evolution was the greatest hoax of the twentieth century.

Define evolution: random events result in increasing complexity of life. (over long period of time)

Define creationism: purposeful creation by an intelligent being
Within creationism, there is the “long earth” vs “short earth” viewpoint. (explain each)

Catastrophism vs. gradualism.

Evolutionists favor gradualism. The latest theory is called punctuated equilibrium. It means there were long periods of quiet interrupted by catastrophic events.

Recommend reading: Hugh Ross, Henry Morris, Donald Chittick

Web site: jplawson.com

Apologetics #4

If God existed, He would have had to give the order for the creation of right and wrong. Therefore, both are equal to him and there is no difference.

Can you see any basic assumptions in this statement?

1. If God exists, then right and wrong were created
2. If God exists, he is amoral.

What do we know about God that contradicts these assumptions?

1. God is right (holy).
2. Therefore, God is moral.

Let’s look at the concepts of “right” and “wrong.”

We usually look at them as being two sides of any moral issue. For example, it is right to give; it is wrong to steal. We have a choice, and as children we began making moral decisions from our early years with the guidance of our parents.

However, God is totally different. God is right. There is no “wrong” with God. In fact, we can define “wrong” or “sin” as anything that does not conform to God’s total holiness.

Our definition of wrong is only possible because of God’s holiness being the standard by which we measure all moral decisions.

To compound the problem, wrong cannot exist in God’s presence. It is a real problem, because no one is holy. We are all condemned to hell and to being separated from God.

However, God has wisdom beyond understanding, and has devised a plan by which the most wicked person who ever lived can be ushered into His presence after death. He arranged for a scapegoat—the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is only because of this that anyone can have any hope of coexisting with God’s holiness. As you know, we are talking about the Plan of Salvation.

Of course intellectuals such as Bertrand Russell analyzed this in detail and decided it was too fanciful of a dream to hope for. Imagine such a pipe dream! God in heaven figuring out how a puny human can join Him for eternity is the work of dreaming visionaries from centuries past. It is too good to be true!

After all, God would not hand us heaven on a silver platter—He would make us work for it! (Have you heard that before?)

This issue of working for acceptance before God is what separates Christianity from all other world religions.

Consequently, this is one of the great proofs of Christianity—that mankind by nature believes in the concept of reciprocity. You have to give something to get something.

In Christianity, however, you do nothing and receive everything. It is totally against our human nature to think up the Plan of Salvation, and that in itself is evidence that it was not developed out of the human mind. I. Cor. 1:18 “…the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing…”

Apologetics #5 Injustice

Since injustice exists now, it must exist everywhere, have always existed, and will exist in the future.

Do you see any errors in this statement?

1. The concept of time is not correct.
2. The concept of change is not correct.

God exists outside of time. Imagine holding a yardstick with one end being creation and the other end the great judgment. You can look at any position on the yardstick and see what is happening. You have the power to intervene at any point. In addition, you can see all the infinite possibilities of what might have been.

God is not subject to time or confined by time. In fact, Peter tells us that God is more “event sensitive.” Peter says one day is as a thousand years. In other words, some events which occur in one day have the significance of 1,000 years of human history somewhere else on the yardstick. (example, the resurrection)
(Esther 4:14 for such a time as this)

As mortals, we reason that all things must have a beginning. Time is simply a measurement of event passage. Remember God existed when no events were occurring. There was a “time” when nothing was happening—no light rays, no gravity, no rocks hurtling through space. Therefore, there was nothing by which to measure time.

Time began when God created the means to measure it. Another way to say it is that when God created the first event, then time started. Time was created by God, and God exists outside of time.

Bertrand Russell finds it inconceivable that there may have been a time in history when injustice did not exist. If fact, we know such a time did exist before Satan’s rebellion.

From God’s perspective, this whole period of time from Satan’s rebellion to the final judgement is just a blip in eternity. I. Cor 15 tells us that when all is completed on earth then Christ will give the keys of the Kingdom back to God and things will go on as they did before Satan’s rebellion.

Suggested reading: The Invisible War by Donald Barnhouse

Bertrand Russell is like a man in a rowboat in the ocean. All he sees in water, so he concludes that the whole earth is water. His logic is the product of a closed mind.

Apologetics #6 Pacifism

Christians would be pacifists if they obeyed the Bible.

I want to state clearly that this can be considered an interpretation of scripture and does not address essential elements of salvation. You can be a pacifist and be a Christian. We are going to talk about why most Christians are not pacifists.

Read Matt 5: 38-42
It seems to be contradicting the Old Testament law. Remember God never changes.

Read Exodus 21:22-25
Who is the deciding authority in this scripture? The court. This is setting down law for civil justice.

Jesus was talking about personal vengeance.

The Jews had personalized a scripture meant for civil justice and turned it into justification for personal vengeance.

Personal vengeance says if you kill my child I will track you down and avenge my child’s death. Jesus clearly taught us to avoid all forms of bitterness and anger. We are to turn the other cheek. James says the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.

Exodus 21 is referring to a civilization’s responsibility to maintain law and order. Jesus was merely putting justice back in the box.

Application: If you kill my child, I have a responsibility to forgive; the State has a responsibility to prosecute.

Rule of government has been established by God to keep the peace in our society. God instructs us to obey civil authorities. We are to allow the government to do its job without taking on the task ourselves. We were not constructed by God emotionally to handle that kind of responsibility.

When the government fails to exercise timely justice, crime increases. (Ecclesiastes 8:11)

We’ve discussed events in the community—how about war?

Hitler used war and 50 million civilians and soldiers died. Were we right to oppose him?

A pacifist might say that God would defend us. Remember Hezekiah relied on God, and God destroyed their enemy. (2 King 19:35)

How about terrorism?

How about a school bully?

Is there a Biblical principle we can apply?

Would you respond differently if your sister was being attacked?
What if God was being cursed?
What if your character is being maligned?

These are not easy questions.

Apologetics #7 Jesus the Man-God

Jesus believed he would return in that generation, therefore he was not God because he did not return.

Matt. 24:34 “this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” (also Luke 21:32)

How would you answer this argument?

What about the early Christians? They thought Jesus would return shortly. After all, the first four Jewish Feasts had been fulfilled prophetically. Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, and Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) had all reached fulfillment on the exact day of their historical observance. Jesus had fulfilled the first three, and the Holy Spirit coming to the upper room was the fulfillment of the fourth feast. Only three feasts remained. I can imagine their excitement as those dates drew near. (explain) Most Christians in the evangelical churches such as our believe that Jesus will return on the date of Feast of Trumpets, followed by the repentance of Israel on the Day of Atonement, and God ruling from Jerusalem and we dwelling with him to fulfill the Feast of Tabernacles.

B. Russell says: Jesus was imperfect because he believed in hell.

Where was his reasoning wrong?

This is totally subjective. Jesus was simply warning us of the reality of hell, just as we warn our children to keep their hand off a hot stove.

Apologetics #8 Fear and Religion

B. Russell says: People turn to religion on emotional grounds. The basis for the existence of religion is fear.

Are you a Christian out of fear?

What do we mean when we say we “fear God?”

As we have discussed previously, Christianity is the only religion where you don’t have to “do something” to be acceptable to God. Heaven is a free gift. It is not earned or deserved.

What is there in our heart as men & women worldwide that causes us to turn to some type of religion? (discussion)

--to find a sense of meaning, a reason to live?

Apologetics #9 Suffering

B. Russell says: Suffering would not exist if God existed.

We can turn that around and say…if God existed he would not allow suffering.

Do you see any problems with that statement?

What does he not understand about God?
Ans. God’s compassion

Isaiah 26: 9b-10 God judgement is actually his compassion.

Here’s why: Judgement brings repentance, which results in godliness.
No judgement causes hardness of heart resulting in eternal damnation.

What will God do to save a soul?

What did he do to save your soul?

Did you go through hard times to learn a spiritual lesson?

Spiritual principle: God is more concerned about our spiritual welfare than he is our physical well being.

What about the suffering of the innocent?
Why doesn’t God step in? (child abuse, crime, physical deformities)

All was perfect until sin entered the world. We are seeing the consequences of sin. There is a Biblical principle called the Law of the Harvest. We reap what we sow. It still happens in our individual lives. Right not you are reaping the results of choices you made 20 years ago.

Let’s carry the above statement to its logical conclusion: God exists, so he will interfere.

Will he keep a man from leaving his wife, or a wife from leaving her husband? If so, will he intervene right before they appear before the judge, or will he go back 20 years and prevent a selfish thought from entering the mind of the offender?

Will he limit a pregnant woman from drinking alcohol to protect the baby? Will he let her have one drink, and then she will feel her arms unable to reach for the bottle?

Would there be editorials complaining that no one can do anything they want, because God is always stepping in?

What is wrong with this line of reasoning?

Ans. We are not puppets, but free moral agents. We have been given a brain with which to make wise decisions, and we will be held accountable by God for how we use our talents.

Types of suffering: 1. Suffering because of God’s judgement
2. suffering because of our own mistakes
3. Suffering caused by persecution of our faith.
4. Suffering of the innocent.

Apologetics #10 Determinism

B. Russell says:

We are not responsible for our actions because we are a product of our environment. Therefore, we cannot be held accountable for decisions we make, and there is no such thing as judgement in the Biblical sense.

Interpretation: Our decisions are determined for us by things that happened in the past. We have no free will, we only think we do. You think you chose to become a Christian, but in reality that decision was made for you by circumstances.

Why would an atheist embrace this view?

Ans. By believing in determinism, a person can absolve themselves of any responsibility for their actions.

People who are not Christians have a built-in scale—guilt must always balance blame. (explain) Becoming a Christian takes off the weight on both scales.

Since B. Russell would not accept Christianity, he needs lots of blame to handle the guilt. He blames his mother, society, etc.

There are some real differences in how justice is dispensed depending on your world view. If the crime is a product of environment, then the solution is correction. If the crime is sinful rebellion, then the solution is punishment. It is interesting that our penal institutions have become correctional facilities.

Biblically, we are individually responsible for our decisions. This is the opposite of determinism. Although environment has its influence, we will all stand before God to be held accountable for our choices.

B. Russell chose a lifestyle that required a deterministic philosophy. He was not equipped to deal with the guilt except by using blame.

(conclude with overhead “Too often…)

B.R. says: God may exist, but outside of reason.

What is your response?

Ps 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

“The fool has said in his heart there is no God”

Prov 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Rational reasons for God’s existence:
1. First Cause
2. Physical laws
3. Design
4. Moral arguments

B.R. says: Since there is no God, miracles do not exist.


What is a miracle? Have you ever experienced one?

Apologetics #12 Malevolence

B.R. says: Proper teaching can eliminate fear and hatred in society. Malevolence does exist, but its sources are fear, envy, and disappointment.

Do you see a basic premise behind this statement?

Ans. Man is basically good. All it takes is proper training and education to eliminate evil.

How does this affect the way we raise our children?

Humanism: emphasis on early training, self-image. I treat others nice because what goes around comes around.

Bible: emphasis on discipline of negative attitudes, proper relationship with God, understanding the Plan of Salvation. I treat other nice because they are God’s creation and God loves them. I am an instrument of God’s love to others.

(List the first one, have the class give the Biblical view)

Blame vs. accepting responsibility
Self-image vs. humility (strength through Christ)
Do what feels good vs. edify and encourage one another
Education and environment vs. religious training and repentance

B.R. says: Superstition is the origin of moral rules.

Who is superstitious?
B.R. would says that Christianity itself is a superstition. Any other perspective brings his own lifestyle into condemnation.

B.R. chose his lifestyle, and then picked a belief system to justify his morals.

It is human nature to rationalize our behavior. Even as Christians, when confronted with an inconsistency in our life, are tempted to say “My God is love. He tolerates my behavior.” (ex: taxes)

How can we safeguard ourselves from rationalizing our behavior?

B.R. says: If God created us, he must be a fiend.

What is a fiend?

What do we not understand about God if we think he is a fiend?

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